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First off, Happy New Year.

Thought I'd start off with a book recommendation..."Ahead of the Curve: Two years at Harvard Business School" by Philip Delves Broughton. The book is about his two years at HBS - the classes, the HBS culture and the stress that comes along with it. It's a good read, and although there are many pages you can skip, it's worth looking at just to understand the makeup of the HBS classes and the class culture and dynamic. For those of you considering an MBA, check this out.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the blog. You post some really interesting stuff. I have a question for you, if you don't mind helping me out. I am a senior working on my BSBA with dual concentrations in economics and accounting. Do you think getting my Masters in Accounting right after I graduate is worth it? Is there any real payoff? Thanks for any advice.
notfordisplay said…
Thanks for the compliment.
I'm guessing that the BSBA is a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. The only reason people get a masters in accounting is to get the required credits to sit for the CPA exam and be certified as a CPA, at least in the US. If the credits from your BSBA are good enough to be certified, then a masters is definitely not worth it. If you need an extra 30 credits or so, then instead of just taking extra bachelor's degree classes, you might as well do a Masters' in accounting instead. So essentially, what it boils down to amongst the accounting firms, and even other accounting jobs for that matter, is your certification, regardless of whether you have a masters degree. Hope this helps.
Anonymous said…
So this is an unrelated post and if you can offer any advice I would love it. What can you tell me about the different possible tracks a person would take at the Big 4 in regards to tax vs. audit? Is there a difference in career progression among the two specialties? How about career potential? Workload? I know this is busy season, so thank you for your input.
Anonymous said…
That is the book that made me dropout of Notre Dame grad school. Went through recruiting season and could see how much the managers hated thier life. Started reading the book, got to the last chapter, didn't finish the last chapter, threw the book in the trash, decided public accounting wasn't for me, packed my bags and headed back to the sunshine state. Where do I work now? Public accounting. God has a funny sense of humor. I must have been pretty bad in a past life!

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