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masters or credits

What's your advice for a soon to be college grad interested in the big 4 but dealing with the new 150 credit hour law? It seems like everyones advice is to go right for your masters after graduation. Is the Masters program worth it or would extra credits from a community college still look good?

At the end of the day, all that matters is your CPA. Your masters program's only help is getting you credits towards the 150 requirement. If the costs are much higher for a masters vs credits from a community college, then just do the credits from the comm college. I've seen many either do the masters or the credits from the comm college, but nobody really cares as long as you have your CPA. The two kinds of people who get their masters in accounting are - a) people who need the 150 and b) people who were non-accounting majors but now want to switch to an accounting career.  


nofxthrowaway said…
Hi there,

I'm somewhat in a similiar position. I graduated school and have been working for a Big 4 for about 3 months now. I took my first CPA and failed, now I'll be taking my next in 2 days.

I don't have the 150 credits to take the exams next year, so if I fail my second exam, does it mean I'm at risk of getting fired?

What would you say / suggest are my options?
Anonymous said…
Like how you're answering questions on your blog and all, since your perspective on your job is a bit different.

But I'm curious, what's next for you? Are you leaving anytime soon or staying in an attempt to become partner?

I think there's plenty of people who've read the majority of your posts that are wondering the same thing.
Ruby Claire said…
Exam fee should be less $15 is unbearable.

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Kimteh said…
Liked your tax blog.Its really informative.Thanks for sharing.
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Anonymous said…

I came across this blog 2 days agao and must say I have been reading it every day, even the entries back in 2008.

I will be starting at a big 4 firm in September 2012 and wanted to know about 'internal competition' at the firms, especially at junior and senior associate level based on your experience?

I ask this questions because the firm I will be joining has a history of strong internal competition and would like to know if I will be able to trust my team members and rely on them to ensure they help me professionally grow with the firm.
notfordisplay said…
To the poster asking what my plans are - Honestly, I don't know
abdielt03 said…
Auditor is responsible for evaluating moderate to complex business processes that include systems and infrastructure.Auditor develops an understanding of the function to be audited.Auditor job may also involve supervising projects and also assisting in orientation programs for new team members.Auditor should hold a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance,or computer science.auditor employment
notfordisplay said…
you are not risk of getting fired. As long as you finish it prior to becoming a manager, you'll be okay.
Unknown said…
Very use full and thanks for shearing.

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