Summers at the beach or mountain house, playing with the kids, improving their golf a little bit during busy season, schmooze at charity events in the fall, with the occasional appearance at the office. Gotta love the partner life....prior to the 2008 recession.
Now? With SOX and increased regulation and compliance requirements - (thank the PCAOB for this), we're working year-round, and so are the partners. Oh don't get me wrong, there's still the long summer getaways, golfing, schmoozing, sporting events, etc, but at a reduced level.
The stress levels have increased exponentially from back in the day. Sure, the money's better than the past, the benefits (at least in the US) are still unparalleled, but is it worth it?
That's the question on most managers' and senior managers' minds. Even the partners now admit that times are different now. Some believe that this increased regulation is just a phase, some think it's here to stay.
One thing's for sure,we are entering a new auditing era.
For instance, the 401k at PwC had a 5 year vesting period and a 25% company match. The worst industry position I've been offered had a 50% match and 3 year vesting period.
These kinds of dollars and cents start to add up.