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Weekends Big 4 vs Private

Man there is such a big difference between being in Public vs Private when it comes to weekends. In public, you're always on call - and always have to keep checking your email. Okay, maybe you don't need to, but it's implicit that the best performers invariably end up with work on their mind - all it takes is one email from the client to piss you off or take up the rest of your day.

In Private, I'm still checking my emails frequently during the weekend, a habit I wasn't able to get rid of. But it's so radio silent since almost everyone else in Private truly takes the weekend off. I almost feel guilty shooting an email, and that's a good sign.


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Esther said…
someone needs to get a life outside of work.
mwakondo said…
men .you need to balance your life
Anonymous said…
It´s a totally different world... Enjoy your weekends, my friend
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