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Now I can find stuff on the internet pretty easily, but it's not easy finding my own blog. Just curious, how did you come across this blog and how do you access it periodically without hitting google's hits counter.


Anonymous said…
I googled "auditing sucks" after a long drawn out audit season and your blog appeared. I am articling for my CA designation (Canadian)& having been in public practice for 6 years, I share many of your sentiments!
Anonymous said…
I found your post on cpa net. Great blog! I am studying for the CPA exam. After reading your article, I kinda don't want to work for a big four, at least not in audit. I always wanted to start my own business; reading this blog has reaffirmed that.
Anonymous said…
I found your blog on cpa net.
Anonymous said…
Could you give us an entry on what your experience of studying for the CPA while being a young professional was like?

How hectic was it? How many hours (and broken committments) did it take? How frustrating was the process?

Would love to read about it.
notfordisplay said…
thanks for your comments, I will definitely post an entry about my cpa preparation soon.
Anonymous said…
I googled accounting blog. I read and the anonymouslawyer blog on a regular basis. Since I'm currently pursuing my MBA in accounting, I figured i'd love to learn more about life as an accountant!
Jared P. said…
I Googled "I hate public accounting and the CPA exam, especially the FARE Becker Review Course" and it was on the front page - something about Peter Olinto.
Anonymous said…
found a reference to it on CPAnet
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Took me a moment, then I remembered.

Followed this link.
googled "how to get out out of public accounting" and it was on the list.
notfordisplay said…
yikes, google lists this blog for those key words. Good to know.
Joe said…
I googled "life of an auditor" and this site came up on top of the list.

Do you like being an auditor now?
Anonymous said…
I googled "why you don't want to work at an audit firm" and found your blog as the first link. GOLD. I was trying to get recruited during college but was never picked up. So sad. After we graduated, my friends went back and tried again but didn't get in. I never really fully understood what it meant to be an auditor so went to google to see if I could find some inside stories. Your blog provides exactly this. Thanks! I think I feel sure that public accounting isn't for me so I can feel more happy with my current job now that I'm more sure I didn't miss out.
notfordisplay said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
notfordisplay said…
To all the complimentary commenters, thank you
matt said…
googled accounting big 4 experiance
Was interested in how people felt about working in one of the big 4. your blog has been a great read for me that gives plenty of insight
Anonymous said…
I googled "life of an auditor" as well.... I'm from the UK considering auidit at big 4 ... instead of CPA I would be going for the ACA qualification...
captivating and funny blog for sure. Keep it up. :)
Anonymous said…
I googled life of an auditor.

I like your sharings
Anonymous said…
I googled exactly the words "life of an auditor", when your blog first came up it was funny and a bit creepy.
You took some very expressive and sensitive close-ups. Thank you.

Anonymous said…
An IT auditor. Googled "Life of an auditor".Wanted to check if the "auditor feeling" is a common feeling.I hit gold.

Great job.Are you still an auditor?
Anonymous said…
Same here, googled for "life of an auditor".
And I bookmarked your blog
Anonymous said…
googled "auditor summer holidays" (hahaha) to get more of a clue about the workload during "off-season". I'm a recent german graduate thinking about joining the cult. Still have mixed feelings about it, especially now that people showcase long working hours all year long. I was hoping to read about real-life-examples and the extend of the advertised compensation (during summer) of accumulated overtime (during busyseason in winter)..

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