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Link of the month

Just got sent this link, and found it absolutely hilarious, but sadly true. It's about what auditors really do, and that it's definitely not taxes. The only tax information I know is the stuff I learned from the CPA exam (which I've already forgotten) and the required information to complete my personal tax return. Even for this, I use the help function all the time on the tax softwares to help explain stuff to me.
One of the best parts of the article -
"According to D’Amato, busy seasons are typically three things: “using calculators the size of pizza boxes and wearing ties in a casual environment to show their clients that they mean ‘business;’ beating up a clients’ junior staff for a month straight about the lack of internal controls because the signatures did not fully penetrate the triplicate on the department-wide birthday card for Larissa in Accounts Payable; and completing a 38-page internal controls checklist on the petty cash fund while completely ignoring the client’s shady accounting treatment for three new SPEs named HIDDENDEBT, IMSTEALING and DONTLOOKHEREPWC.”"



Anonymous said…
That's very true and...very funny !
kokostiletto said…
hahaha this is hilarious!

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