4:58 pm: normal office chatter, "busy" work day.
4:59 pm: Sudden rumbling..like the thunder in the background
5:00 pm: floor moves, sudden movement..employees head to the elevators like iron sticks to magnets
5:01 pm: Eerie quiet. You head out of the audit room only to see a football field of cubicles completely empty. How the heck did this happen? 3 minutes ago..the place was packed.
This 5:00 hurricane is a fascinating phenomenon. It's almost like people stare at the seconds hand in the clock, and once it hits 5..they head for the gates like horses at the kentucky derby.
Auditors are like the people standing near the derby gates..the dust from the track just falls on our faces, and we just sit there, shaking our heads. Yet, we head to the gates every day.
Having said that, I'm a Jr. at a school that is heavily recruited by the Big 4. We literally have someone here every week and they bribe us with everything from backpacks to ski retreats. It was kind of nice at first, but now its getting old and I'm feeling like I'm being seduced. The thing I hate is its like we're supposed to know exactly a)which office we want to go to b) which practice we want to go into (audit or tax). Yet I've never actually done audit or tax. I would prefer to go to a large non-big 4 firm so I can try a little of both and see what I prefer, but then I don't get "big 4" on my resume. They have us by the balls and they know it...
"clock watchers"... safe to say, I've never looked at one around my boss since.