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On a side note, did you stop blogging? As far as I can see there are quite a while since your last post  

I just didn't feel like booting up my computer when I came home to be honest. On a side note, I've always thought about writing a book down the road about my experience at a big 4 firm. Doesn't seem like anyone's done this, and seems like something that people would read/buy. Thoughts? Should I just stick to blog posts.


Anonymous said…
Good to see you blogging again. Yes, blogging is more accessible than books to most people who are probably interested in the subject. Your blog shows up on the search engines whenever I search about something about auditing, Big 4 or public accounting.
Anyway, I have a question if you can answer it please:
I graduated college with an average GPA so I decided not to do the campus interviews and pass the CPA exam before I try the job market, now I have passed 3 of the exams and am going to take my 4th very soon.
To apply on the Big 4 websites, the categories are either campus recruiting or experienced hires. I am neither since I am not a student and am not experienced, so I don't really know how to apply. Should I just apply in the experienced hires? Will they look at my resume even if it doesn't match the particular job for which I am applying? I also don't know if passing the CPA with an average college GPA will be enough to get in the Big 4 as an audit associate?
notfordisplay said…
Apply via campus recruiting - since an experienced hire would usually come up at a level higher than a first year staff, and you don't have the experience to do that. If you have your CPA, it may overcome your average GPA depending on the office's needs. Alternatively, if that doesn't work,, you can go to a smaller firm, work there for two years, and then come in as an experienced hire - again, depending on need. Right now, at the experienced level, they need people bad in many offices.
Anonymous said…
hello, I happened to chance upon your blog and its been an interesting read for me as a year 2 accountancy undergraduate. I have a question but I dont know how to submit it so I guess I will just submit it here.

I am considering between doing an extra year of honours or graduating with a general degree. My results are borderline - while I just meet the mark for honours, I am not confident in maintaining that grade. Is there much difference between a 3rd class honours and a general degree without honours when it comes to fresh grad hires (in the big 4 and small 4)? Will I be greatly disadvantaged without an honours when it comes to finding a job?
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your reply. Keep up the blogging.
Anonymous said…
hi,wish to seek your piece of advise.
I am having internship with PWC KL Assurance department 3 years ago, but I do not work with them upon graduation and I work with KPMG,as external auditor in my hometown,penang instead.I quit after half years due to intolerance with the working environment.I go in MNC,a famous subcon manufacturer,work as supply chain management executive.Two years passed,now I wish to venture into internal audit. I fail my first internal audit interview due to the lacking of technical knowledge.I am wondering will a CIA qualification granting me with the key to the IA field, or I have to start all over again with External Audit,which will be a stepping stone for me to go into IA,but i am not really hoping to opt for this choice.

Should I add in the 6 month working EA experience in my resume, as this is a critical part for me, which will impact a lot on what the interviewer perceiving me when they screen through my resume.

Really wish to get your piece of advise to proceed to the next phase of my life. Thank you very much!
notfordisplay said…
For the last two posters, sorry but I'd have to defer to others - not an area where I can add value.
Anonymous said…
The blog is excellent. I think that a book could be equally well-received, however it would need excitement and war stories, something to keep the audience engaged. I guess you could do more of a how-to guide, but that may get lost. I am thinking of a mildy comedic memoir format.
notfordisplay said…
Thank you, duly noted. It's only wishful thinking - if and when I have time down the road.
Anonymous said…
Staff 2 here. Just wanted to add that I used to read your blog as an undergrad. Helped me know what I was getting into and gave me some valuable advice.
notfordisplay said…
Glad to read that you're still checking out posts.
Anonymous said…
Can you maybe make an extended, detailed post about why you're still doing Big 4 accounting? You among many other sites/bloggers (like GoingConcern) make this job sometimes seem awful (but with good exit opportunities) but end up staying (or stuck)
Unknown said…
A book would be great. I'd buy one.
I'm in one of the Big4 for the last years. Started to read your blog after the first pre-season. Enttaining and informative.
The book will have you name? If not, you can add some stories about frauds or some financial schemes (the abovementioned warstories) as well as some love affairs. People love that.
Hi, This article has great reference value, thank you very much for sharing, I would like to reproduced your article, so that more people would see it.
Thanks for such a knowledgeable Article.I would like to reproduced your article, so that more people would see it.

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