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phone addiction

I admit that I am addicted. It must stop. And I know I'm not the only one. I am addicted to my phone, and my immediate reflex when I get work emails is to check it, regardless of time of day. I could be working from 7:30 am - 11 pm,  but when I'm back home and it's midnight, I feel that familiar buzz in my pocket, and I instantly pick up the phone and check my email. This could end up in three different ways - a) delete the email, not important, b) save it so I can respond tomorrow c) frustrates me enough that it affects my sleep d) makes me relieved since it was the resolution of a certain issue. This could have waited until the next morning, but it's almost out of instinct that I have to check that email. Knowing that there's an unread email out there is annoying  since in my mind it could be a big  issue that needs to be tackled asap, even though it can realistically wait. People say that this smartphone age makes work efficient, but it also takes a stranglehold over your life after work. If you can set the phone aside after work and  not check your work email,  good for you. But the worst part is when there are late night deadlines, and the client/team reaches out to you, you are expected to be on call. If you don't respond within an hour or so, people would wonder why. It's sad, it really is. I've tried not checking my work email after work if I work late nights. I was successful for a few weeks, especially since I know the effect that work emails have on my sleep. On one occasion, I didn't check my work email after 9:30 even though the email number get piling up. I check it the next morning to see 18 emails, many of which were the client asking for approval to file something. So now I'm back to square one.Worst part is, I know I'm one of many. Oh well, going to try again.


Anonymous said…
Really glad to read you again!!! I was hopeless about seeing a new post here and finally you did it!!

Thank you very much, man. I am learning a lot from you, and your post give me the strenght to carry on with my daily job. Reading you is like looking at the mirror ;-)

Writing a book about an auditor´s life?, I will surely buy it, and know some that would as well.

Cheers from Portugal.
notfordisplay said…
Thank you, appreciate it.
Anonymous said…
*bow down*

Thanks for coming back. Enjoy the summer and post often.
Anonymous said…
2nd year auditor here, soon to be 3rd year.

Just want to say your blog has been tremendously helpful for me. It helped me to prepare for interviews and the Big 4 life back when I was still in school. Now that im working at a big 4, your humor helps me get through the tough times because its so relatable!

Keep it going, im glad to see your posts again! If you wrote a book, id buy it, and im sure im not the only one. Cheers!
Anonymous said…
So glad you are back to posting!

I know this question has probably been asked to death however given my situation i hope that you can help me.
I have just recently accepted an offer for a cadetship at a big 4 firm located in Sydney, Australia. Part of this condition means that i will be asked to specialise within either fs or corporate audit during my 1st year of work.
As a 17 year old, it is hardly reasonable to make such a drastic life decision at such a young age within the field of accounting and although i have heard it is possible to transfer between industries i have heard it is not advised.
Hopefully you can help clarify the perks (promotion opportunities, experience, salary etc.) and disadvantages of working in both, leaving out my personal preference.

Thank you!
notfordisplay said…
To the poster from Sydney - not quite sure what the difference is between fs and corporate audit. Also, you're 17, don't think you'd have to stick to either one at that young an age. Not really familiar with the way Australia operates unfortunately.
Anonymous said…
Hi, notfordisplay.

First of all, thanks for your blog (and your recent posts after hectic busy season). This is the best blog about a company´s insights that I have ever read. I think your experience in a Big4 is valid for almost every sort of firm. In every company (not many) I have worked for it looks more or less the same.
Hope you keep up the good work and post very often.
Regarding what you say about writing a book about working for one of the "four main ones", in my country, Spain, one KPMG´s ex-managing partner has just issued one (see link below, sorry it is in Spanish):
I promise, if you write one, I´ll buy.
Best Regards,
A possible "soon-to-join-Big4-still-idealistic-and-optimistic-dude" :-)
notfordisplay said…
Interesting that a KPMG partner wrote a book on this. Wish it was in english.
Broniec said…
Yes, modern day work ethics can really impinge on a person's life. The instant gratification culture means that NOTHING can wait, no matter how unimportant it is. Most things that occur at 9pm can wait until morning for resolution.

If you just stop answering your calls, it could impact you negatively. Start now to train your associates and clients that there are office hours...and make sure "critical" is defined well.

That's my two cents anyway.

Mae Parker - Broniec
Anonymous said…
I agree. The need to check phone for any incoming message relating to work even late at night. =(
Anonymous said…
Hello Notfordisplay,

Your posts provide helpful insights and motivation for people like me who want to become an auditor. Thank you very much!

I'm wondering if I could have your opinion on my situation. I would greatly appreciate your feedback. I don't know any who are auditors/CPA so your opinion would be tremendously helpful.

I have been working as a bookkeeper for 4.5 years in both public and private accounting. I'm young, ambitious and confident in my accounting (not just bookkeeping) knowledge. I have recently completed the CPA exam. I graduated 2.5 years ago.

I would like to become an auditor, especially for a Big Four. I have had difficulty finding an entry level auditor/staff accountant job. I am living in the Bay Area, CA.

What would be your advise for finding an auditor job? Should I go back to school for Masters just so that I can get an internship? How difficult is it to get audit experience when somebody is no longer in school?

Thank you for your time in advance.

Bless you for formulating an excellent article, since i have happened onto your website and concentrate numerous posts. Is fantastic look of crafting?
Denise said…
I've been reading through the posts and I get the feeling that many people feel that they have no control over their actions; they are driven. What if you and they knew that it is up to the individual to determine their own response to e-mails, to stress, to unrealistic demands - to whatever they encounter? You and they have a choice. What makes people so readily give up the power over their own lives?
I agree. The need to check phone for any incoming message relating to work even late at night.Thanks.

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