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Apologies for the lack of posts; I had a lot of worked-up energy when I first started this blog years ago, but that energy is no longer there. Back then, I wanted to vent, but now, I've just accepted the way of life in this industry. Granted, the changes in our industry caused by fear of the PCAOB has shifted the dynamics in a way that hasn't been done in years, but there's only so much I can say about this significant change.
At the same time, I still see questions coming in once in a while, and I really appreciate that; so I will do my best to answer some of them a little more frequently.


Anonymous said…
Glad to read you again!! Hope everything is going well for you. I really appreciate the time you spend answering questions and writing posts for us to know or to learn a little bit more about the fascinating BIG4 auditing world.
Keep up the good work!!
P.S.: I hope you have a new blog soon: "Life of a Partner" ;-) (been following you fir a while)
Anonymous said…
Check out this video and see what it is really like to work for a big 4...
Anonymous said…
So glad you are back. I have been checking every few days for a new post. Happy I didnt stop! Thanks for taking the time to write new posts and answer questions.
Anonymous said…
That's what a BIG4 firm will do with you - you get so enthousiastic for your job that the ventilation channel runs dry (some say you get num) - you're addicted to the positive spirit and there is nothing wrong with that. However, once in a whil it is lovely to kick against the system and than your blog filled with honesty not holding back is fun to read. Because lets face it, this blog doesn't exist because the firm is telling us the full truth...
We can provide a complete range of services that are designed to facilitate the process of growth and development for your business. Our expertise has helped clients to grow their business in a convenient and sustainable manner through the provision of diversified business compliance & taxation advice.
Unknown said…
Thank you so very much buddies! I like your all best ever posts daily here. My hat is off to you on your special working.
Unknown said…
Of course, what a superb site with wonderful posts, enlightening issues has been discussed I like it. AQM Auditing
Unknown said…
Of course, what a superb site with wonderful posts, enlightening issues has been discussed I like it. AQM Auditing

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