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Promotion in Private

Working in private can be better although it can also be hard as a staff person. I'd wait for the manager title and 5 years of experience. That way you can have staff people under you. You don't want to be a staff in private because you'll be doing the work for a lot longer in your career. It's much harder to get a promotion in private.

 Agreed, a lot of individuals who switch from Public to Private (especially after 3-4 years) struggle with the idea of not getting promoted every year when they switch to Private. It's absolutely true that you will not get promoted every year, especially if you're average. It's not like a factory where people go in and out all the time, there just aren't enough slots. Stay until manager in Public, then switch to Private if you don't want to be partner. It's a common trope that the Big 4 put out there, but it's somewhat true. The way to succeed in Private is to quickly be good at whatever you're doing, and then speak up to say that you are ready for the next step. The Company will want you to stay, and then either work towards promoting you or giving you more responsibilities that will help you if/when you decide to jump between Companies in the future. 


Anonymous said…
Glad to see you are back. I´ll be reading your future posts (been doing that for more than three years). Thanks for keeping up the good work!!
Himani Sharma said…
I actually added your blog to my favorites and will look forward for more updates. Great Job, Keep it up. First of all let me tell you, you have got a great blog .I am interested in looking for more of such topics and would like to have further information. Hope to see the next blog soon.
Tyson Abbo said…
You really nailed it to perfection, this is exactly what happened when you work with in reputed company and except few reputed CPA firms, can't say all shows way to succeed in Private is to quickly be good at whatever you're doing,
Catherin said…
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Anonymous said…
Hi, enjoyed reading your posts! Please post more!
Very nice and wise collection of words to describe the importance of topic.
Very grateful for this clearly written information! Thanks..
Chartered accountant in India
Anonymous said…

Any chance for you to get back on posting again? Now that you are out of public, might be very interesting to see your point of view on issues or particular situations on a company´s day to day activities (including dealing with those curious auditors  ).

Hope you are doing fine.
Anonymous said…
Nice job bringing the blog back to life. Love reading your blog. So how do you view the politics in the private as compared to the public?
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Shelly Saini said…
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