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Least stressful job: Accountant?

This link has been going through the email/messaging chains....and on first glance, is absolutely ridiculous. Apparently an accountant has the least stressful job

Over a preschool teacher and a pastry chef? Are they serious?

On second glance, they're referring to the accountants in corporate offices, plugging away on software applications, doing pretty mindless stuff. I guess I can agree with that. But I will put Pastry chefs over Accountants. Seriously?
And pre-school teachers cannot be at that's a stressful job, up there with ibanking.


Anonymous said…
I've got a question that kind of ties in with this post. I graduated about a year ago, and didn't attempt to work for a Big 4. At the time, I had some family obligations that wouldn't allow me to travel. My lameass corporate job is not that stressful unless you count staring at the wall until you go insane as stressful. I literally haven't seen anything new since my second month. I am at a pretty small place though.

I've got one section of the exam left, and am now ready to attempt to get a position at a Big 4. Do you think I've missed my chance? Does it seem to be either fresh grads or experienced auditors getting hired? I'm not a fresh grad, and I don't have any audit experience. I'm not even sure how I would apply, rather than calling an office to try to get a recruiter's name.

Any insights?
notfordisplay said…
I'm assuming that since you were eligible to sit for the CPA, you have the requisite academic accounting background. And having passed three of the four sections, which is huge, you have definitely not missed your chance. Accounting firms need people right now, so you'd definitely be a shoo-in, depending on the region you're in. If you are in an area where accounting firms do not need people, then it might be an issue.
As far as applying goes, off the top of my head, you have the following options -
a) go to a college career fair that the big 4 recruit at, and talk to the recruiters there
b)reach out to any contact you might potentially have in the big 4, or call your college's career services and ask them to give you a contact
c) company website

One caveat though, is that you will probably start at the low end of the totem pole. This is where everyone without auditing experience starts. If you've only been out of college a year, then there are zero issues. But if you are more than a few years removed, then you have to get used to the idea that 24 year olds can boss you around.
Anonymous said…
I'm in Cincinnati. It sounds like I need to get my resume in front of the right person. I guess it's time for me to figure out who I know that knows someone, if you know what I mean.
Marmion said…
If you've been doing accounting related work, why not try Middle Market Advisory type work as opposed to Audit? At least you'd have some experience (thats if your corporate job is accounting related).
Anonymous said…
@anon - you can definitely get a job at a Big 4.

Only question is whether they take you on as a 'campus hire' or as an 'experienced hire'.

If you have a full year of 'real world' experience in an accounting/finance department, chances are good you could fall in the latter category, which means they hire you as if you've already been working in an audit firm for a year.

Worst case scenario, you fall in the former category, and you work an extra year to 'catch up' to everyone else - main problem is that you'll need to start in the fall if you're going to join during the 'regular' recruiting wave. Sometimes you can luck out and find a place that's hiring in the 'off season'. This is especially easier if you fall in the experienced category.

Good luck; contact me through my site if you need more tips. :)
Anonymous said…
Go work at a small CPA firm for a year or two and then apply to the big 4. It's hard to get a job after you graduate with no experiance.
Soren Duus said…
Maybe, it depends on where you're working in terms of being a more stressful job or not. But by looking through people's experiences, it really varies. Still, however, it's a prestigious career path to have.
Unknown said…
Very good blog indeed. A lot of useful information and modern concept.
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